Holiday season is here and as much as it has been told us that the gift giving tradition is an evil plot masterminded by our corporate overlords, it’s actually quite an old tradition from Pagan times, where during Yule time people would invite friends for a meal or give gifts to their loved ones. A gift does not need to be anything big or expensive, it just needs to be thoughtful, so do not feel pressured to buy ANYTHING.
With that being said, in case you DO want to buy a special something for a special someone, we could give some tips, cantered around crystals, of course. So here’s a list of different kind of people and what could be the best crystal to gift them.
A crystal ‘newbie’ - So, this person is new to crystals and has just started collecting. They might have a piece or two, perhaps none, but the interest is there and they’re eager to receive a little something. I have two words for you - Clear Quartz. The mother of all crystals. It’s well versed, works great with anything and could basically be a one crystal collection. Plus, Clear Quartz tends to be a bit more affordable than some other crystals.

An intermediate collector - This is where it can get tricky, as it would really help to know what they already have and what crystals they prefer. It’s safe to assume that this person already has clear quartz and rose quartz pieces, so you could help them finish off the Holy Quartz Trinity with a Smoky Quartz. Then, depending on the collector type, I’d look at shapes, but raw tends to be a pretty safe bet almost every time.
A crazy collector - Are they okay? Their place is looking more and more like a crystal cave, they have EVERYTHING. As you enter their home, you’re greeted by a clear quartz tower, next to their TV and Computer you see a rose quartz, in their living room there is a labradorite shining in all of it’s glory… Damn, they have everything. Well, it’s difficult and expensive to find a unique collectable crystal, so perhaps a carving could be cute. These days you can find everything from mushrooms to full on bathtubs. Find something that reminds them of your friendship, but just carved out of crystal!
The sceptic - We all have that friend that you would love to drag into your crystal addiction, as there’s very few hobbies that allow you to collect anything and can bring this much happiness, but this friend just does not get it. ‘’They’re just rocks!’’ - well, okay, what crystal to gift so that they finally get it? Almost all crystals are very beautiful, but if I had to pick that ONE that will change a persons mind, something that anyone can keep in their pocket, connect to and at first glance understand what this whole thing is about, then I’d have to go for a nice, flashy labradorite palmstone. They will get hooked!

For yourself - And the most important person - you, yourself. Sometimes we get so caught up in preparing gifts for others this time of year, that we completely forget about ourselves. So, what better time to treat yourself, than the Holiday season! Treat yourself with something that you’ve been eyeing for some time and makes sure to use the code WINTER20 at checkout for a 20% discount on any crystal on our shop! New crystals being uploaded daily!
Every order made until the 14th December enter a giveaway for a
€150 coupon to our shop for crystals!
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy Yule Season!
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy Yule Season!